TheChels Meets The Chelsea Glamour Girl

If you’ve not seen the WAG parody doing the rounds, head on over to and check out the Glamour Girl video.

Since we first ran it on Friday it’s had literally thousands of views, fast becoming one of the sites most popular videos.

We managed to grab a space in Chenille’s extremely tight schedule to pose a few questions to her, and find out more about the Chelsea ‘Glamour Girl’.

So Chenille, thanks for agreeing to talk to us, first things first, are you a Chelsea supporter?

I am at the moment as their players are the richest and the fittest.

How did that come about?

I had been taken up the Arsenal when I was seventeen and supported them for many years, but I fainted after getting squashed at Clock End and had to be carried out on a stretcher.

Arsenal were just too rough for me, so when I moved into the area a couple of years ago I started supporting Chelsea after getting the hots for Jose Mourinho.

So that’s why you wore the Chelsea shirt in the video?

Yes, that and I think it sets off the colour of my thighs beautifully.

Can you remember your first game?

Not really, too much babycham in Terry’s private box!

Who’s your favorite player and why?

My fave player the moment is Frankie Lampard as he is the only one I fancy that isn’t married and I haven’t had. I am prepared to mud wrestle Christine Bleakley for him!

I’m sure we’d ALL like to see that! So what’s your view on the WAGs?

They are all my competition and could steal my man, so I have to be careful of them, but it’s better to befriend my enemies don’t you think? Better the devil you know, as Kylie said!

Why do you think so many women now see this as a ‘career’ goal?

What’s point of studying when there are no jobs out there that can pay as much as I get paid per lay?

Fair enough! What do you think of the media in this country, especially the red-tops?

Well they have to stop making things up as much as they do. I don’t believe nothing I read in them anymore. Whenever I sell my story it always gets edited to make me look like a right tart!

Hmmm… Ok. So tell us how the video came about?

My manager over at Matrix suggested I start adding more strings to my bow and not be just a one trick pony.

He reckons I could make it as a pop star and thinks I am a really talented writer and singer. He fixed me up with some tasty musicians and we made the video last week.

Did it take long to put together?

I wrote the song one afternoon in my local sluggy pubby. I was bored ‘cos all the boys were watching rugby so I had to amuse myself.

Finally, and I expect it’s the question on every red blooded males lips; do you really take it up the a*se?

I’m a blue lady, not a brown one, what do you reckon?!

We’ll keep our thoughts to ourselves on this one, don’t want to shatter our dreams! Chenille, thanks very much for talking to us.

Image courtesy of Trevor Adams @

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